Is a community located at 17 Av NW in the neighbourhood of Capitol Hill in the city of Calgary. There are 38 properties with 0 listed for sale. There are 3 to 5 bedroom units with values ranging between $339,900 and $1,389,000.
Questions About 17 Av NW
Pricing Information
- Listing prices have ranged from $339,900 to $1,389,000
- Price is $242 to $852 per square foot
- Rents were at $1,500
Size and Space
- Floor space ranges from: 1125 sqft | 104 m2 to 2413 sqft | 224 m2
- Building has 3 bedroom to 5 bedroom units
- Units have 2 to 4.5 bathrooms
- Units may have 4 to 8.5 other rooms
Building Construction
- Water: Municipal water
- Heating: Forced air, Radiant heat, Natural gas,
- Flooring: Carpeted, Ceramic Tile, Laminate, Linoleum, Hardwood, Vinyl Tile, Cork
- Cooling: Central air conditioning
- Construction: Detached, Attached, Split level, Other, Wood frame, Semi-detached,
Location Information
- Building views: City view, River view, View
Building Amenities
- Features: Private setting, Back lane, Flat, Park/reserve, No Animal Home, No Smoking Home, Low maintenance yard, Paved lane, Skylight, Built-in wall unit, Level lot, Treed, Balcony, Corner Site
- Amenities: Shopping, Schools, Playground, Public Transit, Park, Golf Course, Recreation Nearby,
Dave Z
4 years, 6 months ago
Are there any pet or rental restrictions?