Is a community located at 7 Av SE in the neighbourhood of Central High River in the city of High River. There are 11 properties with 0 listed for sale.
Questions About 7 Av SE
Pricing Information
- Listing prices have ranged from $95,900 to $359,900
- Price is $121 to $379 per square foot
- Maintenance fees: $125.00 to $437.00 monthly
- Maintenance fees: $0.18 per square foot to $0.54 per square foot monthly
Building Construction
- Heating: Forced air, Baseboard heaters, Hot water radiator heat,
- Flooring: Hardwood, Carpeted, Linoleum, Laminate, Ceramic Tile, Parquet
- Construction: Other, Detached, Attached,
Building Amenities
- Features: Flat, Back lane, No Animal Home, No Smoking Home, Balcony, Corner Site, Handicap access, Elevator, Low maintenance yard
- Amenities: Schools, Playground, Shopping,
Dave Z
4 years, 7 months ago
Are there any pet or rental restrictions?