Is a condo building located at 60 Jacobs Close in the neighbourhood of Johnstone Park in the city of Red Deer. There are 11 properties with 0 listed for sale. There are 1 to 2 bedroom units with values ranging between $98,900 and $149,990.
Questions About 60 Jacobs Close
Pricing Information
- Listing prices have ranged from $98,900 to $149,990
- Price is $172 to $227 per square foot
- Maintenance fees: $252.53 to $374.10 monthly
- Maintenance fees: $0.44 per square foot to $0.57 per square foot monthly
- Maintenance fees for: Common Area Maintenance, Exterior Maintenance, Heat, Insurance, Lawn Care, Property Management, Waste Removal, Water, Other, See Remarks, Caretaker
Size and Space
- Floor space ranges from: 568 sqft | 52 m2 to 761 sqft | 70 m2
- Building has 1 bedroom to 2 bedroom units
- Units have 1 bathrooms
Building Construction
- Water: Municipal water
- Heating: Natural gas, Baseboard heaters, Boiler, Electric, Electric baseboard units,
- Flooring: Laminate, Linoleum, Carpeted
- Utilities: Fully serviced Available
- Construction: Wood frame, Poured concrete,
Building Amenities
- Features: No Smoking Home, In suite Laundry, Balcony, Level lot, Private setting, Flat site, Closet Organizers, Natural light, Recreational
- Amenities: Laundry - In Suite,
Dave Z
4 years, 6 months ago
Are there any pet or rental restrictions?