Is a townhouse community located at 7179 18Th Ave in the neighbourhood of Stride Avenue in the city of Burnaby. There are 6 properties with 0 listed for sale.
Questions About 7179 18Th Ave
Pricing Information
- Listing prices have ranged from $449,000 to $750,000
- Price is $631 to $714 per square foot
- Maintenance fees: $302.83 to $372.71 monthly
- Maintenance fees: $0.33 per square foot to $0.35 per square foot monthly
Size and Space
- Floor space ranges from: 900 sqft | 83 m2 to 919 sqft | 85 m2
- Building has 2 bedroom units
- Units have 1 to 2 bathrooms
Building Amenities
- Features: Private setting
- Amenities: Recreation, Shopping, Laundry - In Suite,
Dave Z
4 years, 6 months ago
Are there any pet or rental restrictions?