Is a community located at 4714 Muir Rd in the neighbourhood of Z2 Courtenay East in the city of Courtenay. There are 15 properties with 0 listed for sale. There are 2 to 3 bedroom units with values ranging between $149,900 and $374,900.
Questions About 4714 Muir Rd
Pricing Information
- Listing prices have ranged from $149,900 to $374,900
- Price is $178 to $298 per square foot
- Maintenance fees: $478.00 to $528.00 monthly
- Maintenance fees: $0.32 per square foot to $0.51 per square foot monthly
Size and Space
- Floor space ranges from: 784 sqft | 72 m2 to 1673 sqft | 155 m2
- Building has 2 bedroom to 3 bedroom units
- Units have 1 to 2 bathrooms
- Units may have 2 to 4 other rooms
Pet Information
- Pets: allowed with restriction
Building Construction
- Heating: Forced air, Electric, Heat Pump, Natural gas
- Cooling: Air Conditioned
- Construction: Detached,
Location Information
- Building views: Mountain view
Building Amenities
- Features: Cul-de-sac, Central location, Southern exposure, Private setting, Wheelchair access, Other, Gated community
- Community Features: Adult Oriented, Quiet Area, Seniors Oriented, Pets Allowed With Restrictions, Age Restrictions
- Amenities: Recreation, Golf Course, Shopping,
Dave Z
4 years, 6 months ago
Are there any pet or rental restrictions?