Questions About 222 Jackson St W
Pricing Information
- Listing prices have ranged from $239,900 to $425,000
- Price is $246 to $409 per square foot
- Rents have ranged from $1,950 to $2,000
- Maintenance fees: $625.00 to $979.19 monthly
- Maintenance fees: $0.64 per square foot to $0.76 per square foot monthly
Size and Space
- Floor space 975 sqft | 90 m2
- Building has 1 bedroom to 2 bedroom units
- Units have 2.5 bathrooms
- Units may have 2.5 to 3.5 other rooms
Building Construction
- Water: Municipal water
- Heating: Electric, Baseboard heaters, Natural gas, Forced air
- Cooling: Central air conditioning
Building Amenities
- Features: Balcony, Balcony enclosed, Park setting, Park/reserve, Level, Carpet Free, No Driveway, Automatic Garage Door Opener, Southern exposure, Paved driveway
- Amenities: Party Room, Hospital, Public Transit, Schools, Exercise Centre
Dave Z
4 years, 7 months ago
Are there any pet or rental restrictions?