Brocklehurst, Kamloops, BC

Brocklehurst is a neighbourhood in Kamloops with 4673 properties on record at Snap Up Real Estate. The average house price in Brocklehurst is $662,993, the average condo price is $239,100, and the average rent is not available. There are 30 houses, 18 townhouses and 6 condos for sale on Snap Up Real Estate while there are 0 rentals of all types combined.

Questions About Brocklehurst

Rose Blackburn
Rose Blackburn

4 years, 10 months ago

Byron McDonald

4 years, 10 months ago

The primary airflow is east to west or west to east. The wind needs to blow from the south to flow over Brocklehurst which does happen occasionally but is not the norm. Sahali, Downtown, South Kamloops and Juniper actually get more mill smell than Brocklehurst. I live in Bachelor Heights and we get the mill smell only when the wind is from the South too. But I do see the mill haze over Sahali etc from my view to the south.


Bea Radha
Bea Radha

4 years, 10 months ago

Byron McDonald

4 years, 10 months ago

Much of the air traffic into Kamloops is regional prop-jet and private piston aircraft. Whenever possible take offs and landings are over the lake which has almost no impact on the city. Each summer with onset of fire season we see a bit of an airshow with fire control aircraft coming and going. We get the occasional jet but not too many as there are no longer regular scheduled 737's coming to Kamloops. So, our air traffic is pretty light over all.


Fred Adams
Fred Adams

4 years, 10 months ago

It's not a busy enough airport for it to be a bother.


Jan Fauth
Jan Fauth

4 years, 9 months ago

Byron McDonald

4 years, 9 months ago

Hi Jan - there is a significant amount of train traffic through Brocklehurst with the noise and vibration being noticeable for a short distance from the tracks. It really depends on how close you are and the underlying soils. There's a lot of silt and sedimentary soils which transfer the vibrations more readily.
