North Shore, Kamloops, BC

North Shore is a neighbourhood in Kamloops with 3917 properties on record at Snap Up Real Estate. The average house price in North Shore is $500,000, the average condo price is $297,450, and the average rent is not available. There are 15 houses, 2 townhouses and 2 condos for sale on Snap Up Real Estate while there are 0 rentals of all types combined.

Questions About North Shore

Amanda Bond
Amanda Bond

3 years, 4 months ago

Rental Properties


Jane Rose Sanchez
Jane Rose Sanchez

3 years, 4 months ago

Hi Amanda!Click on the "Watch" button found on the upper right corner of this window, to get notified every time this post updates.


Wilson Smythe
Wilson Smythe

4 years, 10 months ago

Fred Adams
Fred Adams

4 years, 10 months ago

Are there any pools in the area?


Dave Zirnhelt
Dave Zirnhelt

4 years, 10 months ago

McDonald Park used to have a pool but it was closed due to extensive maintenance required. The City of Kamloops replaced it with a water park for kids. Here's a map of McDonald Park. There's an outdoor pool in Brock and the Tournament Capital Centre on McGill Rd has the best aquatic facilities in Kamloops. Here's the swimming pool page from the city.
